The theme of the HOPE exchange programme 2015 was:

"Hospitals 2020 - Hospitals of the future, healthcare of the future".

Denmark hosted a group of 10 skilled professionals from 7 countries in 2015.

Professionals in the Danish HOPE programme 2015

The schedule for the Danish program 2015: Schedule HOPE Exchange Denmark 2015 

The official Danish HOPE exchange programme can be seen: The Danish HOPE Exchange Programme 2015 (to be uploaded)

The participants visiting Denmark made a very informative and exiting presentation on what made a difference for them compared to their own country. The presentation focused on innovations in organisation and management that the participants came across at national, regional, healthcare and/or ward levels in Denmark.

In the final voting this presentation came second out of the 17 participating countries. 

Nation of innovation - Danish presentation 2015 (Powerpoint)

Release of the HOPE publication "Hospitals 2020: hospitals of the future, healthcare of the future", a report on the findings of the HOPE Exchange participants 2015, which were presented at the Agora Warsaw: Report on HOPE Agora Warsaw 1-2 June 2015

Press release from June 26th 2015 about the 2015 program (in Danis): Pressemeddelelse Nation of innovation 

3 of the participants stayed in Randers during their exchange. Follow this link to see video with the participants feedback:

Please find general information on the program and material from the final Agora in Warsaw on the official homepage 

Gå ind på adressen øverst på siden for at se videoen.