Her finder du en oversigt over artikler, der beskriver, hvordan PRO-data kan anvendes på gruppe- og individniveau.

Reducing the pressures of outpatient care: the potential role of patient-reported outcomes. 

Aiyegbusi, O. L., Hughes, S., Peipert, J. D., Schougaard, L., Wilson, R., & Calvert, M. (Accepted/In press). 

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.


Maximising the impact of patient reported outcome assessment for patients and society.

Calvert M, Kyte D, Price G, Valderas JM, Hjollund NH.

BMJ. 2019 Jan 24;364:k5267


Health Data Processes: A Framework for Analyzing and Discussing Efficient Use and Reuse of Health Data With a Focus on Patient-Reported Outcome Measures.

Hjollund NHI, Valderas JM, Kyte D, Calvert MJ.

J Med Internet Res. 2019 May 21;21(5):e12412.