Advantages of video consultation

The advantages of using video supported consultation are many. Transportation time and expenses are saved, and it allows for frequent and short contacts between patients and healthcare professionals, for example for patients with chronic illness. This means that treatment can be adjusted on a regular basis, and that, for example, greater comfort can be obtained after returning from the hospital.

Another advantage is that the dialogue often becomes less formal when the patient is in his or her own home. Here it is the patient's rules that apply and the balance of power is more equal than visits at the hospital or the general practitioner.

However, some messages are not suitable for video consultation. Sensitive conversations, such as notification of serious illness, should not be given through video. Furthermore, the patient may not remember your message and a physical meeting would be preferable ethically.

We have made a guide on how to achieve a succesful video conversation, which you can read on these pages. 

Who contributed to this guide?

This guide is based on input from clinicians in Central Denmark Region, who have used video conference equipment to deliver healthcare services over distance in consultations and diagnostics.

Special thanks for contributions to:

  • Telemedicine for patients with COPD at Horsens hospital unit
  • ACT Online at Clinic for Functional Disorders
  • Technology Unit in Psychology, Central Denmark Region.
  • Our technical specialists in the Central IT-department
  • Inspiration has also been obtained through various articles on video consultation in healthcare systems.